Did You Know?
“The Catholic Church values highly the institutions of the Eastern Churches, their liturgical rites, ecclesiastical traditions and their ordering of Christian life. For in those churches, which are distinguished by their venerable antiquity, there is clearly evident the tradition which has come from the Apostles through the Fathers and which is part of the divinely revealed, undivided heritage of the Universal Church” (Vatican II Decree on the Eastern Catholic Churches 1).
Ikon of St. Nikolaus
Friday, December 3, 2010
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Did You Know Series # 11
Did You Know?
In the matter of reconciliation between the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Church of Rome, “conversion is also required of the Latin Church, that she may respect and fully appreciate the dignity of Eastern Christians, and accept gratefully the spiritual treasures of which the Eastern Catholic Churches are the bearers, to the benefit of the entire catholic communion; that she may show concretely, far more than in the past, show much she esteems and admires the Christian East and how essential she considers its contribution to the full realization of the Church’s universality” (Orientale Lumen 21, Pope John Paul II).
Presentation of Mary in the Temple (Nov 21st)
In the matter of reconciliation between the Eastern Orthodox Churches and the Church of Rome, “conversion is also required of the Latin Church, that she may respect and fully appreciate the dignity of Eastern Christians, and accept gratefully the spiritual treasures of which the Eastern Catholic Churches are the bearers, to the benefit of the entire catholic communion; that she may show concretely, far more than in the past, show much she esteems and admires the Christian East and how essential she considers its contribution to the full realization of the Church’s universality” (Orientale Lumen 21, Pope John Paul II).
Presentation of Mary in the Temple (Nov 21st)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Did You Know Series # 10

Did you know?
“From their very origins, the Churches of the East have had a treasury from which the Church of the West has drawn largely for its liturgy, spiritual tradition, and jurisprudence. Nor must we underestimate the fact that the basic dogmas of the Christian faith concerning the Trinity and the Word of God made flesh from the Virgin Mary were defined in Ecumenical Councils held in the East” (Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism 14).
Monday, July 26, 2010
Did You Know Series # 9
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Did You Know Series # 8

Did You Know?
“Although in the first centuries of the Christian era conflicts were already slowly starting to emerge within the body of the Church, we cannot forget that unity between Rome and Constantinople endured for the whole of the first millennium, despite difficulties. We have increasingly learned that it was not so much an historical episode or a mere question of pre-eminence that tore the fabric of unity, as it was a progressive estrangement, so that the other’s diversity was no longer perceived as a common treasure, but as incompatibility” (Orientale Lumen 18, Pope John Paul II).
Friday, June 11, 2010
Death of Metropolitan Basil M. Schott, OFM

Metropolitan Basil M. Schott, OFM 1939-2010
Statement of Bishop John on the Death of His Eminence, Metropolitan Basil Schott
It was with sadness that this morning (10 June 2010) we learned of the death of Metropolitan Basil Schott.
Having succeeded His Eminence as Bishop of Parma and in serving with him as a fellow bishop of our Metropolitan Church, I have come to know and respect him. Metropolitan Basil directed his attention equally well to individuals and institutions.
His interest in people was beautifully evidenced once again just this week in the realization of his desire to celebrate the Year for Priests by calling all the priests of our Byzantine Catholic Metropolitan Church from the country to a fraternal gathering in Pittsburgh.
In all types of gathering, from the faithful in parishes to meetings of bishops, he could be found mingling with those present and allowing his welcome smile to spread throughout. Their response was always sincere, appreciative and supportive. Over the past months of his illness, I have received many inquiries, sentiments of concern, and assurances of prayer from those who knew him.
His service to this Eparchy, to the Metropolitan Church, to the Eastern Catholic Churches, in this country and in Europe, and to the universal Church will long be remembered. His affable personality allowed him to contribute in a role of leadership to methodically effect change to correspond to a changing world.
May God grant to his servant Metropolitan Basil blessed repose and eternal memory.
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Did You Know Series # 7

“At a time when it is increasingly recognized that the right of every people to express themselves according to their own heritage of culture and thought is fundamental, the experience of the individual Churches of the East is offered to us as an authoritative example of successful inculturation” (Orientale Lumen 7, Pope John Paul II).
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Did You Know Series # 6

“In the study of revealed truth East and West have used different methods and approaches in understanding and confessing divine things. It is hardly surprising, then, if sometimes one tradition has come nearer to a full appreciation of some aspects of a mystery of revelation than the other, or has expressed them better. In such cases, these various theological formulations are often to be considered complementary rather than conflicting” (Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism 17).
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Did You Know Series # 5 (Holy Week)

“In the study of revealed truth East and West have used different methods and approaches in understanding and confessing divine things. It is hardly surprising, then, if sometimes one tradition has come nearer to a full appreciation of some aspects of a mystery of revelation than the other, or has expressed them better. In such cases, these various theological formulations are often to be considered complementary rather than conflicting” (Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism 17)
Monday, February 1, 2010
Did You Know Series # 4

Did you know?
“It is earnestly recommended that Catholics avail themselves more often of the spiritual riches of the Eastern Fathers which lift up the whole man to the contemplation of the divine mysteries. Everyone should realize that it is of supreme importance to understand, venerate, preserve and foster the rich liturgical and spiritual heritage of the Eastern Churches in order faithfully to preserve the fullness of Christian tradition, and to bring about reconciliation between Eastern and Western Christians” (Vatican II Decree on Ecumenism 15).
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Did You Know Series # 3

“The full manifestation of the Church’s catholicity must be restored to the Church and to the world, expressed not by a single tradition, and still less by one community in opposition to the other” (Orientale Lumen 1, Pope John Paul II).
Christ has manifested God's glory through all the peoples of the world.
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